Technical/Database/Fusion Middleware Oak 2
Mar 09, 2018 11:15 AM - 12:00 Noon(UTC)
20180309T1115 20180309T1200 UTC The Future of DBAs in a World of Autonomous Databases

This talk will discuss Autonomous Databases, and how they are likely to impact DBA job functions, both immediately and in the future. We'll see why the claims of "No Human Intervention" may be overstated, and suggest ways current DBAs can "future proof" their jobs.

Oak 2 NCOAUG Training Day
7 attendees saved this session

This talk will discuss Autonomous Databases, and how they are likely to impact DBA job functions, both immediately and in the future. We'll see why the claims of "No Human Intervention" may be overstated, and suggest ways current DBAs can "future proof" their jobs.

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